
      Mercurial Studio is the work of designer, Miranda Watson. Miranda grew up in Western Canada, dividing her time between the mountains, the lakes, and the cities. After moving to New York in 2010 she found never ending inspiration in the museums, the train stations and, of course, the iconic architecture that only a city with that much history and that much life can really give.  With an educational background in Anthropology, and a never ending child-like curiosity towards nature, there is a world of dichotomies typical to her design aesthetic. A celebration of the imperfect, and of our history of adornment.

After taking a design internship with a large scale jewelry design house she decided to attend the reputable jewelry school, Studio Jewelers, in Midtown Manhattan. Here, she learned the deeply traditional methods used in Metalsmithing & Diamond Setting. She discovered a love of Lost Wax Casting and the subsequent excitement of seeing it brought to life in metal. These skills inform all of her work & her ability to create everything by hand, with love. 

Recently Mercurial relocated to Los Angeles, allowing her to open a studio & showroom; a long time dream. Please contact us for hours, we always love a visit!

As always, we love to work on custom pieces & bridal or ceremonial jewelry. Give us a shout with all your brilliant ideas.